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Wood Shingle Roof

We have already shown several types of roofing materials, such as metal and asphalt, and we have also discussed what materials are the best for walls. Next, we learned what things are important when building stable foundations for your tiny house. Today, we are going to discuss the penultimate sub-chapter of roofing materials: wooden shingles. […]

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Wooden Façades with Gaps

There are many ways to decorate your outside walls. In our floor plans selection, you can see a variety of wooden façades with gaps styles. We have houses with flat walls and standard designs, like Esther, there are more traditional New England Style houses like (Small saltbox house plans) Molly, and there are façade styles […]

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Timber – Beams, Boards, Planks, Joists… for Your Small House!

Buying the correct timber (Beams, Boards, Planks, Joists…) In previous entries to our blog, we discussed what to be careful with when building foundations, floors supporting walls and many other things. In this entry, we want to focus on types of timber. Believe us, there’s much more to building houses than just a few wooden […]

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Building Without a Permit

Small homes without building permit

Building without a permit for building Back in the days of our grandfathers, getting planning permission wasn’t part of the routine. You could build anything you wanted (at your own risk), as long as it was on your own property. Building without a permit was widespread. It was certainly in your interest to build in […]

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A Story of a House, or How to Make a Bedroom out of Working Shed

About a girl… This is a love story about a working shed plan that met a creative builder, and turned into a tiny one-bedroom wooden house. The builder’s name was Julie and it all happened in Rakaia, New Zealand. With a little help from our friend, Joshua’s guide, Julie took her tools and got to […]

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Camping cabin in New Zeland

Camping Cabin Plans in action! Remember Marion, the camping cabin? Well, she is out there, enjoying herself in the woods, experiencing the fresh air! We’ve received the news from David S. from New Zealand. All that David needed was our step-by-step builder’s guide, a little bit of time and effort and… there we go! There […]

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Gambrel Roof Framing

timber framework gambrel roof for small houses

Gambrel roof Gambrel roof framing is another of simple timber roof trusses types, which we are going to examine. Together with the traditional gable roof and often seen shed roof, gambrel roof is also a common type of roof both for small house plans as well as bigger houses, barns and other buildings. Gambrel roof […]

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Tiny House Construction Guide – Press Release & Pictures

step by step guide to DIY construction

Download press release & pictures of the How to build a tiny house book guide: pictures & press release How to build a tiny house We are proud to present to you our first tiny house construction book guide on DIY tiny house construction How to Build a Tiny House. Step by step guidance, illustrations, photographs and more, […]

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Kids Playhouse Plans Turned into a Tool Shed

cheap garden shed plans crooked shed

We have not presented any of the products built based on our micro homes plans in a while, have we? Well we are going to fix that now. Today we have another crooked playhouse plans, except this time the playhouse was turned into a crooked shed. Why not, looks pretty cool! We are very grateful […]

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Exterior Door Construction

Building entrance doors Today, we will look at another part of DIY timber construction of a small house, tiny cabin, shed, or pretty much any small wooden structure – exterior door construction. Being the first thing you encounter when entering a house or cabin, the entrance door has a quite strong influence on the building’s […]

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Energy Efficient Small House Plans

eco friendly tiny house, composting and of off grid living

Eco-friendly micro homes The tiny house movement has become more and more popular in recent years for a few main reasons: cost efficiency, whereby you can get rid of mortgage and lower your debts; the trend of minimalistic living, and a desire to live a more simple life without the burden of unnecessary things and […]

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Playhouse Blueprints Built in Pittsburgh

DIY cheap wooden kids playhouse plans for sale

Today we would like to introduce to you another of our products built in Pennsylvania. It seems like we are popular in Pennsylvania, as we already looked at cabin Ann or cabin Virginia from there as well. This time our story comes from Pittsburgh and it goes smaller on scale. We would like to present […]