One of our skilled clients, Don, bought plans to build a Marlene cabin. He adapted them a bit to his ideas and started construction with zeal. Since his land is in a flooded area, he placed his cottage on an elevated podium. Don shared valuable photos from the course of construction and was so willing that he answered a few questions.
You use stilts for the foundation. Is there a danger of floods on your land?
Yes, the cabin is in a flood plain right on the creek. So the FEMA website said the location has a 1% annual chance to get 3 feet high, and they recommend a 2 to 3 feet more for freeboard. So I should have it at least 6 feet in the air. I went over 8 feet high on the tiny house. It also allows me to put an outdoor shower under the cabin as well as a porch swing and 2 swings for kids and storing kayaks.

Have you been choosing between more of our designs?
Which plans did you choose?
I chose the Marlene plan
Have you read our book How to Build a Tiny House?
If yes, did you find the content helpful?
Which type of insulation did you use?
What became the most challenging thing for you during the whole process?
The changes to the inside making it where it can sleep six and the sewer system because it is in a flood plain.
How long did it take to build a whole cabin?
Still working..
Any recommendations for the potential builders?
Be prepared to spend more than you think. But it’s worth it.
Thank you for the strict but factual answers. The most important is always real photos from the construction and thank you very much for them. We wish you to complete the construction successfully and soon.