On the blog, you might have seen the plans of an amazing Elisabeth, the small modern weekend cabin. Well, she has been growing up far in Argentina under Marc’s hands. An Unbelievable dream coming true!

Marc was so kind and shared some of his comments from his own experience with us. It’s a quick read, I’m sure you’ll find a spare minute to scan through it:
- What did make you choose the Pin-Up Houses? How did you find us?
Searching the internet. - Which stage of the building process are you now at?
We will complete the second cabin soon.

- How did you deal with the building permit restrictions in Argentina?
Quiet easy. You do not need a permit until your construction is within the regulations in height and overall size in relation to the lot. - How did you enjoy building the cabin? Did you do it completely by yourself or was a professional help needed at some point?
We had a helping hand for electricity (entirely solar energy), gas connection and septic tank.

- What did you find the most challenging in building your own cabin?
Organization of construction site, ordering the accurate material. - Are you planning to use your cabin throughout the year or just for the weekends?
The use will be in the summer months only. - Any recommendations for the potential builders?
Measure twice, cut once. - Did you apply any of the sustainable living ideas in your cabin? e.g. reusing the rainwater
Certainly. Rainwater will be used for watering the garden and solar energy for electricity supply.

- What was the most satisfying moment of the process and why?
Digging the holes for the foundation by hand. Connection to earth. - Any more comments you would like to add?
Everyone should build a house in life. Deep fulfillment.
- Thanks a lot for sharing your answers with us, Marc! The information is well appreciated!

What else is there to convince you to build your own dream house? If it is more interviews of proud owners and self-builders, there’s Dianna and her experience building sustainable cottage or Dan who built in Romania.
Scroll down the plans, order a book or contact Joshua directly, whichever way works for you the best. We will support your decision to build with Pin-Up Houses 🙂 Good luck!