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Five Cost-Effective Ways to Renovate Your Bathroom

If you are thinking of renovating your bathroom, then you must agree that it can be a very costly affair. However, there are some simple and straightforward methods that one can use to give their bathroom a facelift without having to dig deep into their pockets.

Be sure that renovation on a small budget can also make a significant difference in what your home might be worth. But how? In this informative blog post, we’re going to shed light on some ways to renovate your bathroom without breaking the bank.

  1. Plan Your Design, Budget, and Timeline in Advance

As a rule, it is necessary to plan and have a precise estimate of how much is required for bathroom renovations. It also provides both you and your contractor with a standard to maintain and adhere to while making sure that, for the entire project, you know how much it will cost.

Some projects may be costlier than initially planned due to some circumstances that may arise. But if a budget has been set, then it is easy to account for all the costs irrespective of areas of overspending. 

When there is no budget to follow, you can easily spend a lot of money and not even know that the project is very costly.

  1. Personalize The Hardware On the Cabinets to Add a Personal Touch

Doors knobs, towel rods, bath handles, and so on that enhance the decoration of your cabinets are easily replaceable with more fashionable ones. They will go a long way in adding much-needed life to a relatively dull and old bathroom. 

To maintain uniformity in the appearance of the bathroom, use high-quality hardware that complements the finishes used in the plumbing fixtures.

  1. Make Your Bathroom Vanity a Top Priority in the Design Process

In interior design, vanity is not only an accessory and a decorative element in the bathroom but also a practical and valuable object. Sometimes, instead of replacing an entire piece of furniture, it is possible to redesign and update faucets and sinks as a means of reviving the experience. 

What’s more, you must think about changing the finish or stain of your vanity or applying contact paper to peel or crack surfaces. By doing so, you can make the entire space look cleaner and finest without spending much on it. 

  1. Apply a Fresh Coat of Paint to Give the Room a New Look

Applying new paint on the walls of a room helps make that particular room look more refreshed and brighter. If you can’t afford to refurbish the whole bathroom at a go or wish to contribute positively to its appearance in a big way, then this will be a significant step.

The scuff marks and wear and tear found on the walls, in particular, must be erased through washing, and painting will bring out the best in the room. You can paint tiles temporarily, too, to give it a new look until you get ready to paint the whole bathroom.

  1. Consider Eco-Friendly Options When Making Design Choices

If you wish to save further after achieving your desired bathroom look, then incorporating new, water-saving technologies will assist in improving bathroom efficiency, thereby saving money in the long run.

While selecting shower heads, toilets, and sinks, make sure that these products have low flow, providing you with long-term water and financial savings. It could also make a difference in the EPC rating, which buyers consider when they are searching for a property to buy.