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LillianFinding Home in Alaska: The Perfect Spot for My CabinLillian

Joshua was super responsive and helpful.. What inspired you to build a cabin based on the Lillian project? Were there any key factors that convinced you to go for it? I wanted to build a “small cabin” to see if I liked homebuilding with a dream of perhaps building a bigger home in the future. The Lillian cabin was […]

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Free Pin-Up Houses Plans

Choose from more than 200 plans of unique cabins, sheds, and small houses designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Our plans contain a step-by-step construction process and material list. To prove it, we’ve created a collection of the most popular designs, each with a comprehensive material list inside. Whether you need a cabin for a […]

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How Matt’s DIY Journey Continues: Building a Small Wooden Structure

A few years back, we introduced you to Matt and his incredible DIY project in an article. Well, guess what? We caught up with him again this year, and Matt generously supplied us with a treasure trove of captivating images to show you. Not only that, but he also took the time to address some […]

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Crafting the Dream: Ron’s DIY Cabin House Build in Alberta

What made you choose the Pin-Up Houses? How did you find us?   We chose pin up houses while searching for small home plans, we knew what we were looking for and Helen immediately fit our vision for the property. I believe it was via google. Where are you building your cabin? (a type of building […]

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Small House Ginger under the Construction- Site Report from Randy the Builder

Where are you building your cabin? (a type of building site- sloping/forest/meadow, not address, just country if you want) NY Do you plan to use this building permanently, or will it be more of a vacation property? I plan to use this building permanently You chose the Ginger cabin, did you make any major changes […]

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Small Pin-Up A-Frame Shed in central Wisconsin

Our customer and self-builder purchased A-Frame Shed Plans Lily and modified the design slightly during construction. We bring you an interview where he shares his experience with you. A-Frame cabin is located in a beautiful natural place, can you tell us at least approximately where you are from and where you are building? I live […]

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DIY House Foundation

There are a large number of types of foundations. Just take a stroll around the immediate area and you are sure to come across many different interesting solutions. In this article, I have summarized the basic types of foundations for residential buildings. Different types of foundations are suitable for different types of soils. The basic […]

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“The most challenging part was drilling the pilings,” Jessica says

Where did you build this cabin? (a type of building site- sloping/forest/meadow, not address, just country if you want) We built my house in my backyard in Middletown Rhode Island USA. The land is quite wet so we put it up on 12 pilings.  For what purpose did you build this cabin? We built it to live […]

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Building Off-Grid House out of 20’ Shipping Container

Laying out a foundation with concrete bricks and gravel & stone backfill First, I outlined the location of the raised foundations using a spirit level and a string. The corners must be at right angles. Subsequently, I dug holes in the places of the future foundations and filled them with stones and sand. I stacked […]

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Pin-Up Forest Refuge from a Pandemic

“Originally I was going to use it as a weekend and vacation home, but with the global COVID-19 pandemic the work situation has changed such that I may spend more time there.“ Where are you building your cabin “Sandra”? (a type of building site- sloping/forest/meadow, not address, just country if you want) “Sandra” is being […]

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“The cabin was constructed primarily of recycled materials leftover from other jobs,” John says

Where are you building your cabin? The property is a vineyard located in upstate Pennsylvania ( on the New York Border.  (Milanville, PA)  The Tiny House Virginia was built on a slope behind a pond on the property looking down onto a stream and a beaver dam.  Do you have a special tool for removing nails or […]

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“The most challenging thing was to conceive the water foundations! The rest was just work.” Richard says

One of our DIY builders bought our Cabin Plans Set Book, choose Marlene, and started to build in the wild. This building is special mainly because it is built on foundations in water. He was so willing that he shared with us his rich experience from construction. How difficult was it for you to create […]

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Forest Cabin Marlene under the Construction – interview with a skilled DIY builder

Where are you building your Cabin Marlene? (a type of building site- sloping/forest/meadow, not address, just country if you want)In the forest! We had to chop down trees, Make firewood out of them. It was on top of a mountain on my dad’s land. It was the land of our grandparents who used to have all […]

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“I’m not building a piano!” – Interview with Builder Jim

Jim, you have chosen Gazebo Plans Clara from our Pin-Up Houses Family. How did you find the website with our plans? I have been looking at different plans for gazebos and teahouses but most of what was available looked like it was for larger projects.  This plan came up through Pinterest and Google searches and […]