Small Garden Shed Plans Marilyn


Cabin plans with the construction process

  • complete set of plans + CAD set
  • construction progress + comments
  • complete material list + tool list
  • eBook How to build a tiny house included
  • DIY Furniture plans included
  • DIY building cost $3,600
  • You can find a printed version of cottage Marilyn plans  together with 8 other designs in our new book Cabin Plans.

house-sample-plansFREE sample plans
of one of our design

Easy to build cabin

Marilyn is a sweet 217 sq. ft. / 20,2 m2) small wooden 1-bedroom cabin with 57 sq. ft. (5,3 m2) front porch. This one-room timber structure has a classical design, a roof to a ground floor space of 11′-6″ x 8′-2″ / 3,5 x 2,5 m2) with an 80 sq ft / 7,4 m2 loft.

What will you get?

Timber construction step-by-step guide small-backyard-shed-plans

Small garden shed plans.

Complete set of miniature garden shed plans (pdf): layouts, details, sections, elevations, material variants, windows, doors


eBook How to Build a Tiny House Included

  • Over 1000 illustrations
  • 276 pages

Complete material list + tool list

Complete set of material list + tool list. A very detailed description of everything you need to build your small cabin.



Small cabin plans

Marilyn, the first small cabin I constructed single-handedly, is one of the most charming tiny homes we offer. Its most striking feature is the front porch. Who would not love houses with a front porch, right? You can sit and read, eat, or chat with your companion over tea or wine while enjoying the fresh air, sunlight, and views. And without worries about the weather because it is under the roof. Four pillars support Marilyn’s front porch; however, nothing obstructs your view or access apart from them, as you can step on the porch easily directly from the ground. You can enter the ground floor room in the middle of the porch, enlightened through three windows and ideal to serve as your socializing space or study. Little steps will bring you to the loft, with two windows and enough room for a bed. So you can enjoy a view of the star night sky while falling asleep, relaxed in your sweet, cozy little cabin.

Construction PDF plans

Marilyn, named after someone other than the excellent Marilyn Monroe, is the adorable little wooden cabin. It is a simple and easy-to-build cabin, a timber frame structure with the classical design of wooden houses with a gable roof and covered front porch. Getting to the loft takes only one little step, which is ideal for sleeping. And a cabin where you can sleep is a perfect cabin! Or you can create a cozy reading place, your secret spot to hide and relax, or a socializing space. The main ground-floor room may serve to hang out with friends, as a study, to store tools or sports equipment, etc. In other words, choosing to use these adorable small cabin plans is entirely up to you. Our PDF plans can also be subject to any changes or adjustments you wish to make. We like people doing things their way, so any of our tiny home plans can also inspire your unique ideas.


Built-Up Area

151 ft² / 14 m²

Total Floor Area

209 sq. ft. / 19,4 m²

1st. floor

80 sq ft / 7,4 m2


80 sq ft / 7,4 m2


57 sq ft / 5,3 m2


11'-6" x 8'-2" / 3,5 m x 2,5 m

DIY Building cost



electronic, printed+electronic


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Your Comments

Dalynn Townsend
5 years 26 days ago

Can this be built with screws? Or only those models shown with the screws can be built that way?

5 years 17 days ago

You can use many types of foundations.
Yes specifically for this design, ground screws can be used.

7 years 2 months ago

I’m just now getting back to work and would love to buy this plan. Can it be built on skids so it can be moved and be enlarged enough for a small kitchen, love seat, bathroom with a small bathtub and reach-in closet? I’d also like a small coffee station on the porch with a three piece dinette and have the porch screened in.

7 years 2 months ago

Hello, yes It can be build on skids. I can easily adjust these plans according to your wishes, please contact me via email for detailed info.
Thank you,

Ko keke
8 years 27 days ago

how to buy in myanmar—?

8 years 25 days ago

We sell construction plans – you buy them, you get the material and you build it yourself (with a help from some friends or builders, in case you have no construction experience). You buy our plans online and they are sent to your email the moment you complete the order. So you can do that from any place in the world.